
Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Let's Record Every HKBP's Sermon and Upload in Your Blog !

I went to HKBP Balige for Sunday Service today. I didn’t remember when was the first time I attended this church, because in the early times I came to Laguboti, I used to go to GBI Gasaribu for Sunday Service. But now, I always go to HKBP Balige.
What make me always come to HKBP Balige are:
- Because it is HKBP, the church where I was baptized. It doesn’t matter for me to go to another church actually, but I just feel comfortable to go to HKBP.
- It still uses Batak language as the primary language, so I can learn it too (but my learning curve is so leveled out).
- HKBP Balige is located in a city (but don’t image it like Depok or any other big Cities!) where almost all facilities are available there (ATM machine, Chinese Food Restaurant, etc).
- Songs in Buku Ende are great songs, most of them are adapted from Germany Worship songs.
Sermon today is taken from Mark 16:15-16, it’s chosen because today is the commemoration of Marturia year. Marturia is a year of Zending for HKBP (MIIW).
Started from the first week I went to HKBP Balige in this year, I recorded every sermon I heard and I’ll uploaded in my blog.
So, let's record every HKBP's sermon and upload in Your Blog !
Source : Gandhi Manalu

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